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    Binding Combs & Covers

    Binding combs and binding covers are used to bind individual documents together to form a booklet.

    Binding Combs

    binding combs are sometimes referred to as 'comb binding rings' and act as the spine of the book for the documents that you are binding together. Binding combs are normally made from strong, durable plastic and are available in different colours. When choosing comb binding rings, you should consider how many pages you wish to bind together. Binding combs are available with different diameters, and you should choose an option that allows you to easily turn the pages that have been bound. Most comb binding rings are A4 sized, but various sizes are available. Comb binding is a relatively cheap way of binding pages together into a book format. They make documents look more professional. One advantage of comb binding is the ability to easily remove pages or add additional pages, and the binding combs can also be reused.

    Binding Covers

    Binding covers are used as the first and last page of bound documents. They are typically made of materials that are stronger than paper, such as PVC, cardboard or leatherboard. They provide a professional look to your bound documents while acting as a protective cover.

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